Yesterday I removed the original internal 1 TB hard drive and replaced it with this 120 GB Samsung EVO SSD. It has made the 2007 iMac like a new computer. Now we have an external 1 TB hard drive for data. I had previously maxed the iMac out with 6 GB of RAM, but prior to the SSD upgrade it was a dog and there were frequent beach balls. So far it seems great! With more time and use we will be able to see if it remains this awesome.
Hockey Dad "Hockey_Dad" (Los Angeles CA):
My 2009 Mac Pro tower was getting slower every day. It took 10 minutes to start up and opening and closing applications was an adventure in spinning beach balls. I started to look at getting a new Mac Pro when they come out later in 2013 but man, that's $3000+ and I'm sure I'd end up with a new monitor to bring that number north of $4000.
Before I made that purchase I decided to try a jump to SSD and I'm glad I did. The system is very speedy now and I'm thinking I can coast without a new Mac Pro for a little while longer.....
Layer 1-7 "Tony" (Saratoga, CA United States):
I did have some problems booting into the SSD after running the Samsung software... I had to refer to some blogs and do some BCDEdit business, but somehow it all worked out.
It's super fast, seemingly as fast as my 500GB 840 Pro SSD, but I did not do any scientific testing. The Windows Experience score for the Evo went up to 8.1 from a low of 5.9 for the factory HDD spinner.
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